Thursday, April 30, 2009

bye april

Nothin april as special as this year..
I felt like this month fully surprised, even my bday not celebrate by surprised party,but this month still amazed. Suddenly, God answer my Pray.
Given wonderful and worthed bday present from my parents,my brother and my dear too..
Given many chance involved in recruitment process.
♡ every weekend on this april. I cud buy some things that I like.
This is the best april I ever had.
What I can say? I only can say..Thanks God for giving me wonderful months..
now may its begin..hope it wud be different..



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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

jangan bingung klo mo naik moda transportasi umum!

buat yang demen naik bus ato angkot..ato mo ngangkot tp ga tau naik mobil yg mana..angan bingung lagii..nih ada info nomer bis ato yg dikenal dengan trayek bis or angkot or busway..ato perlu info ini.. yuk mareee

Monday, April 27, 2009

wedding weekends

baru aja lewatinn rush weekend nih..weekend penuh dgn wedding..sepupu ku n temen sma+kuliah..ada jg tmen sma yg resepsi, tp daku tak bisa dateng, krn jamnya bentrok dgn akad nikah sepupuku..(best wish for natassa)

pas hari sabtu pagi dateng k akadnya si melmol dirmhnya..wahh bagus bgtt deh dekornya :) nuansa pink n abu2..pas akad sih temanya sunda gitu..keduanya tampak cantik n ganteng. hari minggunya baru mereka resepsi. dekornya akadnya mel-jak@mel house
klo sepupuku (cewe) akad n resepsi disatu tempat, dan dihari yang sama yaitu sabtu siang n sabtu malem..klo sepupuku pas akad pake adat aceh (kita memang kluarga aceh) dan pas resepsi pake adat2an lagi..
hmm yang kurang dari pestanya sepupuku hmm gerah bgt deh tempatnya. acnya kurang banyak hot hot yg penting kan acara berlangsung khidmat.
duh palaku tiba2 pusing nanti dilanjutin lagi deh nulisnya..
ni sambungannya...(nambahin foto)..trus trus..pas nikahanya spupu aku itu pas resepsinya pake kebaya warnanya putih tp, looklike gown..lucu sihh..temanya nasional..foto pre wed nya jg simple, ga seperti tipical dateng ke kawinan trus di pampang potonya..simplenya tuh fotonya cuma segede buku aja..trus ga kaku gt lahh fotonya, foto dengan latar perkotaan..
diriku pake dress my mom made it for me..which is seragam tp bahannya bahat sperti serat nanas, jd mending buat dress deh.
trus pas hari minggu acaranya si mell rame bgt dan yg pasti dekor udah ga ada yg ngalahin deh! bagusnya pooooolll hehehe...klo pelaminanya pake adat minang.
tp ujung2nya ga enak bgt deh pas sampe rumah huhu..happy turns sad hhu :(
ini adalah poto ku bersama teman2 alpusku tercintahh :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

just play it

u can do that when ur boring :P

tak terasaa sudah 3 tahun bersamanya (pacaran)..trnyata bnyak bgt yg dilalui bersama. dari yg masih sama2 abg, pikiran dan emosi..apalg dya lebih muda,trnyata dgn kesabaran gw (yg tak terbatas) we pass it.dibilang gampang jg engga (engga sama sekali) sangat fluktuatif. karena gw dan dya sangat beda karakter.giliran seneng, seneng bgt, tp klo sedih ya sedih bgt.bnar2 berwarna.
bagi gw, suatu hubungan bisa bertahan tuh klo salah satu ada yg mengalah. 22nya egois never work.ngalah ga berarti kalah.dan basically u must be faithful and honest.

gw pun bukan lah sosok yg istimewa. just another girl, but gw bukan type org yg maunya di thre
at like lady or too suka bgt dibukain pintu klo naik mobil.dan gw ga melulu maunya ditraktir, kadang gw berkontribusi jg.aplg minta diblanjain haha,no way.

naik angkot hayuk, naik taksi hayuk,makan warteg mari, makan kaki lima hayuk, ga neko2 deh. pacaran bergaya murah dan mahal sama aja.potonya lg makan di emperan jalan raya margonda.jalan kaki,lagi..haha
gw ga mau cm bisa diajak senang, tp pas susah malah kabur.
justru hal2 yg jarang dilakukan itu malah yg ga akan membekas.

merasa bosen dgn hiburan jkt yg itu2 aja, kluarlah jiwa petualang, trus kita ke bandung pada taun2 pertama..lanjut ke anyer,bali, singapore, kL, and bangkok.

seru2 bgt deh pokonya perjalanannya..and i missed all of these memoriess lott...masa muda yg menyenangkan :D ni waktu pas di bandung 2006

waktu mo naik flyin fish di benoa, bali 2007.seru bgtt dehh..jalan2 muter2 menyewa mobil, kebetulah lagi low seasonm dptnya murah..trus pake clana eh dipantatnya sobek segede2 apaan, ahirnya balik lagi ke hotel bwt ganti calana. mo ke uluwatu ngeri bensin ga cukup uda sampe atas eeh balik lagi, mana spanjang jalan itu kan ga ada pombensin.

kuala lumpur 2007.sebenernya kl-sin nih berbarengan.panjang deh perjalalannanya, yaa namanya jg nyari yg murah..dan petualangan deh..dari sin-kl naik bis, untung asik bisnya.dan di kl ada temennya mr T, pas ktemu di mekkah, trus dipinjemin mobil+supir trus jalan2 dehh..walopun ujung2nya muter2 ke sluruh mall d kL..haha..

Singapore 2007 .yah gitu2 ajalah spore..what u expect?

klo mau info penginapan di singapore ramah dikantong, bisa di click disini.

setelah itu aku kebangkok nih taun last holiday huhu,,,
critanya bisa dibaca disini. critanya ga lengkap, cuma ampe hari ke2 aja..seru deh ke pattaya jg soalnya.waktu itu nulisnya masih mood2 an jd yaa cm ampe hari kedua aja wkwkwkw.

setelah itu yaa biasa2 aja lahh...melalui hari demi hari dengan kualitas diri yg lebih baik.

as we grow older, pemikiran lebih dewasa, percekcokan jg uda mulay meredam..
he grow betterr, and better..thank God..for givin him the easiest way to success.
ga brasa juga..he will continue his master in the next couple months. ditinggal dehh dirikuu....hiks hiks..
smoga tetep bisa survive trus..
sampe jodoh mempertemukan kita..amien..
will always love u.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

great lweekends :D

i had lunch with my parents last saturday..i always love weekends, when my mother off to work and staying@Home. usually, on saturday we have lunch outside. and we my mom pick one of the japanese resto. for mpthis time, we didnt pick sushi resto, but actually more general japanese resto. we went to tsukinofune which locate at hotel ambara, near blok m.
i like this place, especially the food..mostly their m
enu comes with lunch set.but they offering single menu too. but the price is almost the same.(sama mahalnya kakakakak).if i come to this resto i always order tempura set..(kinda forget bout name :P) i heart tempura much, but for me this tempura really have a good taste.soo yummy.the powder isnt too much, i can taste the shrimp, fish,vegetable very well. i have tried some tempura on other japanese resto, and this is the winner (most delicious one).
the sets are: rice (choose one of 5 kinds of rice. i order mushroom one.),salad,mix tempura (ebi,kisu,vegetables), kinda appetizer snack,soup for the rice ,tempura soy sauce,sashimi and miso soup.after eat all
of this, u must be full up!
here the picture.

after that, we went to mall and i found some stuffs..and bought it..
bought leather jacket, and t-bar flats and heels. (thanks mom).
and in the evening i went to cinemas watching

entertaining :P.

and sunday..(means today)
my camera is arrived yihaaa.. sungguh senangggg...
yap this is cybershot T700
great camera.great present.thank u parents i love u always,
and i love weekends.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

is that true??

taking quiz..

Your view on yourself:

Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

source: here

Last moment Before grow old

oh is the day before i blow out the candle. if i looked back,23 isnt as cool as my previous old. nothin special in this age. the moment i've remembered is only 23rd brthday. and the rest, i Forgot.hahaha..too many wasting time in this year.
hope the next age will bring me some kindness, and fortune.amienn..